Done with treatment!

I completed my tenth and final round of radiation on Friday and then rang the Bell of Hope. It’s tradition for cancer patients around the world to ring to the bell to celebrate completion of their treatment. You’re encouraged to ring the bell loudly so that other patients will hear it and be inspired that they too will be ringing the bell soon. (I rang it so hard that I accidentally broke it!)

That was a wild and difficult few months, and I’ll be rocking a fuzzy head for awhile because I don’t have much hair left, but I’m so grateful to be in remission! My oncologist says there is a 99% chance that the cancer will never return. We’ll monitor it closely with regular PET scans and CT scans for the next five years.

I’m looking forward to getting back in the office and back on the social scene for the first time in several months. I’m also ready to assume the role others held for me and become a cancer mentor, sharing hope and a sliver of clarity during a scary, stressful life event.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much to everyone who reached out and cheered me on. I haven’t had a chance to respond to everyone, but I read every message and felt every prayer, and all of the encouragement helped keep my spirits high even on the hardest days!

Cheers, y’all — WE DID IT!


