Scan Results!

I had my post-chemo PET scan on Thursday to check the cancer-killing progress and found out yesterday that I’ve had a “remarkable response” to the treatment and don’t need anymore chemo! My oncologist called it a “beautiful scan”. I am absolutely thrilled.

Radiologists score PET scans from 1 to 5 to rate one’s responsiveness to treatment. My PET scored a 2 — that means I’ve had a complete response, but there is a small lymph node that faintly lights up in my neck. The doctors are pleased with any score 1 to 3 and consider this a “negative” scan.

Next up: I’m meeting with my radiation oncologist next week and she will design a radiation program targeting any remaining microscopic cancer cells. I think it will be about 10 sessions of radiation over two weeks. I’ll find out more next week.

Here are the before-and-after PET scan images. The blob of cancer cells in my neck from December is totally gone — HOORAY!

I celebrated the good news with my parents by having my first glass of wine in two months! (My doctor said I could have one beer or glass of wine per day during chemo, but it hasn’t sounded good and I haven’t wanted any until now). Keely was toasting with us from San Antonio.

I’m so happy that the finish line is near! Thanks to everyone who is part of my support squad for your constant love and encouragement to get me to this point.




Chemo Round 4